Benefits of 3D Immersion for Virtual Colonoscopy
Benefits of 3D Immersion for Virtual Colonoscopy
Koosha Mirhosseini, Qi Sun, Krishna Gurijala, Bireswar Laha, Arie KaufmanIEEE 3DVis 2014
Virtual Colonoscopy (VC) is a non-invasive clinical procedure that detects colon cancer in humans. VC seeks to supplement and improve the compliance rates for diagnosed patients, since the traditional optical colonoscopy is more painful, and less effective for cancer detection. In this paper, we discuss the benefits of using a 3D immersive user interface for VC. We discuss various design choices that we can make for such a design, leveraging the effects of the various combinations of virtual reality (VR) system components, as in previous VR empirical studies.
author={Mirhosseini, Koosha and Sun, Qi and Gurijala, Krishna C. and Laha, Bireswar and Kaufman, Arie E.},
booktitle={2014 IEEE VIS International Workshop on 3DVis (3DVis)},
title={Benefits of 3D immersion for virtual colonoscopy},